Hey Training Room family!

Tomorrow is conditioning day!

We’ll be diving into the conditioning deck of cards workout.

All of our body weight workouts are very simple and can be adjusted for most people.

In other words, there are ways of adjusting each movement to make them easier or more difficult in order to suit your needs.

You should always try to challenge yourself, but always let us know if you have any issues with any of the movements that we do in class weather it be with a kettlebell or during one of our body weight workouts.

Cardio Deck of Cards

  • Hearts=Drop squats or body weight squat options
  • Diamonds=mountain climbers (each leg x 2)
  • Clubs=Jumping jacks (double the number on each leg or jump rope for triple the number in revolutions)
  • Spades= Kettlebell high pulls or snatches

As always, jokers are 10 burpees and Aces are 12 reps.

Let’s go!

Here are a few moves you can try with your jump rope