Here’s a good follow up to yesterday’s conditioning.

We should be able to sneak outside again today.

We’ll do a body weight strength circuit and mix it up on the rings a little.

Go through this circuit for 30 minutes doing 30 seconds of work/30 seconds of rest.

This will be a total of 5 rounds.

Take your time on each movement, do not rush through and concentrate on technique.

Here’s the circuit:

  • ring rows or ring pull ups
  • Ring push ups or push ups
  • Low back extension or supermans
  • Lateral Duck-unders (kettlebell,med ball or sand bag)
  • Power wheel,TRX,or Swing set knees to chest
  • Medicine ball or dumbell sit up and reach

I just added the video for Duck Unders in the video library.

The duck unders can be performed with a kettlebell,medicine ball, or sandbag.

Have a great Wednesday!

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!