Today will be all body weight movements.
You can make this workout as hard or as easy as you like by modifying the movements!
Make sure to choose a movement option that you perform properly with full range of motion.
Remember: You can reference the video library for options and technique on just about every movement.
Let us know if you have any video requests. I will be happy to add any video to the library.
The workout will be 5 x5 or 3 x10 of the following:
You can circuit through this, or partner up in a you go, I go fashion.
- Pistols, assisted pistols or elevated split squats (check the video library for options)
- Rope climb, modified rope climb or peg board ( on the rope climb, up and down is one rep). If you don’t have a rope, you will do pullups or weighted pull ups
- Swing set/TRX/Suspended leg curls (do them slowly, 5 count works well)
- Hindu push ups, down dog press or hand stand press
- Choice of abs: swing set walkouts or knees to chest,power wheel roll outs or walks, hanging knee raises
Let us know if you have questions.
What options did you choose, or did you make your own?
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