We will be doing some guest posts for some of our freinds and colleagues that we have a lot in common with.
We do have some common interests with Jason and Pam from Kettlebell Athletics in Philadelphia and like to share some of our ideas.
Check the video as I explain and demo some simple but very effective protocols that can be used to sky rocket your strength and conditioning in a very time efficient manner.
I will also be sending Pam and Jason a guest post for their blog.
We will be looking for other colleagues and friends to share posts with, so please comment below if you have some great content to share with us.
Your content must be related to one of the following subjects:
Minimal equipment training
Kettlebell training
Strong man training
Body weight training
Strength/conditioning workouts using kettlebells, body weight, bands, med balls,dumbells and sandbags
15-20 minute workouts with any of the above equipment
Prehab /Rehab
Here’s an example of what we’re looking for:
Here’s a very simple workout that will hit every muscle fiber in your body and also get your conditioning totally cranked up.
The beauty of this particular workout is that it can be done with very little to no equipment and can be adjusted to many levels of strength and conditioning.
It’s the minimal equipment workouts that usually give me butterflies and pre game syndrome.
If you charge your workouts hard, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
To adjust this workout, you can do ring rows in stead of pull ups. Or, if you want more of a full body conditioning effect, do jumping pull ups.
In this particular workout, I will be using a 50 lb medicine ball. You a can use anything from a bar, sandbag, dumbells, a kettlebell or even a rock.
I give you the Medicine Ball Bear/Pull up Ladder
Try it out and let us know how you did.
Like I said, please comment below and add a link to your youtube video if you have any related video content to share with us so we can post it on this page with link to your site or blog.
If you don’t have any video, make one and post the link.
We will take the first 50 videos that we like and will send you your coupon code for your free subscription.
If we feel your content is what we’re looking for, we will post it with a link to your website or blog and give you a free month to our online membership.
If you continue to send us killer content, we will continue to thank you by giving you free access to our site!
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