Heavy D-balls and Kettlebells served up Tabata style!

Line up four med balls and four kettlebells of different weights ranging from light to heavy. For example, D-balls 30,40,50, and 60 lbs and kettlebells of 20,24,28,32 kgs.

20 seconds work/10 seconds rest of D-ball cleans (8 intervals) moving from light to heavy and back to light. Drop done into a full squat with each clean.

  • 30,40,50,60,60,50,40,30

Do the same with kettlebell snatches only you will need to switch hands every 20 seconds.  This will be double the intervals because of the hand switch with each bell.

  • R/L of 20kg,24,28,32,32,28,24,20

Finish up with D-ball thrusters the same way.

Note: If you don’t have D-balls, you can use your kettlebells for the cleans and thrusters.

Take 1-2 minutes recovery between each exercise.
