Hey guys…

Hope your week is going well.

Today we’ll shift to a conditioning focus.

You may experience some muscle soreness for the past few days.

Make sure you keep yourself hydrated and take the time to ROLL OUT.

Get to the gym a little bit earlier and take care of you body.

Again, this is a new one for you.

40 seconds work/20 seconds rest x 4 rounds of the following couplets

Finish 4 rounds of each couplet, rest 2 minutes then move on to the next one.

Couplet 1

  • Skaters or lateral step overs
  • Mountain climbers
Rest 2 minutes
Couplet 2
  • sprint in place or jump rope
  • surfer jumps or drop squats
Rest 2 minutes
  • Air Dyne sprints or jumping jacks
  • Ski erg or shuttle run
Check the Milkman explanation