5 Minutes Non-Stop Strength Workout
Lots of options for you on Friday!
Pick one of 3 workouts and complete 4 total rounds. The 5th round will be a finisher!
Your intervals will be set to 30 seconds, switching sides (Left/Right) as noted below. Each Round is 5 Minutes. You will rest 1 minute between rounds.
Have some fun with this!
- Cleans or single leg deadlift L/R
- Press L/R
- split squat L/R
- 1 arm row
- Ab Choice x 2
- Single leg static hip bridge L/R
- 1 arm push-up L/R
- Split squat L/R
- 1arm ring row L/R
- Ab Choice x 2
OPTION #3 (Kettlebell Sport):
- Round 1 – complete Option #1
- Round 2 – 30 on / 30 off x 5 Long Cycle
- Round 3 – 5 minutes Long Cycle
- Round 4 – Active Recovery
- Round – 5 minutes Long Cycle
Finisher for Options 1&2:
5 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
- 5 burpees,
- 10 swings or broad jump,
- 15 mt. Climbers,
- 20 swings or squats,
- 25 JJs or 50 JR:
That’s a wrap!
Here’s the link for Friday’s Workout:
Love the Kettlebell Sport option!! Or “sporting” as Alicia said. Thank you, Brian for doing it “with” me. And the finisher was too good to not do, so I added that on at the end. Happy Friday TR fam! 🙂
You are the best Carley.. keep “sporting”! – Alicia
Haha. My pleasure Carley. Well done! #sporting
Loved workout. Thanks Alicia for a great job.
Thanks Alicia! have a great weekend…
I was humbled by the “sporting” option today!! Clearly I am out of practice!! Thank you!!
Thank you everyone! I am getting stronger and love the workouts! It really feels like class with the three of you there!!!!
Thanks! Did this Monday, 11 May. I woke up late.
Missing everyone!!