That will be the on the back of our new T-shirt design thanks to Yoga Joan!
Yoga Joan will get a complementary hoody!
Try this one out!!!
Going Navy Seal Style!
In this order
- Sign the waiver
- Put on your wet suit. You'll need at least a 4-5 mil because the water's in the 40's(we will supply for those who don't have one)
- Pick up your kettlebells
- Farmer walk to the beach
- Drop your bells in the sand
- Jog down to the water
- Swim to the bell bouey(about .5 miles)
- If you make it back, go back to your bells
- pick up one bell and start snatching
- keep on snatching!!!!
- Do this for 10 minutes (SSST)
- When you are done snatching, farmer walk back to the gym.
- Put your bells back where you got them
- If you make it, we'll see you at the party a 4pm!!!
- Don't be a sissy!!
- No complaining!!!
See you at the party!
The Milkman got me on the swim, but I caught him on the snatches!
The farmers walk back to the gym was rough!
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