Happy Monday!

Here’s a nice challenge to kick off your week!

First off, we had an awesome week end with our very first kettlebell certification course this weekend!

We’ll be posting some video through out the week of the madness that went on over the weekend.

We had 20 attendees from all over including Chicago, Virginia, an British Columbia.

Here’s today’s workout.

600 rep partner challenge

You will perform all reps of each movement with your partner. If you don’t have a partner, you will do half the reps solo.

  • 2 mile run or row
  • 200 wall ball or med ball thrusters
  • 200 kettlebell swings
  • 200 v-sits

How long did it take for you to complete this?

Congrats to all that completed our Certification Course this weekend!

We had an incredible group of coaches and The Milkman and I had an awesome time!