Strength and Conditioning Saturday

Saturday is a strength focus at The Training Room, but we will be throwing a little conditioning into the mix as well.

Here’s what we’ve got for you on Saturday!

Do each strength and conditioning triplet for 10 minutes at your own pace:

Triplet 1

  • 5/5 cleans or 10 deadlift choice
  • 10 push-press or push-up
  • 10 calories bike

Triplet 2

  • 5/5 split squat
  • 5/5 row
  • 10 calories ski

Triplet 3

  • 10/10 Twist or Bulgarian bag
  • 10 knee ups.(abs)
  • 10 calories row

We will rest for 2 minutes between each 10 minute circuit.

Have an amazing weekend Training Room family!

Make sure to register for ROW for HOPE!