Strength Docs with a Touch of Cardio

We’re going with strength DOCS for on Thursday at The TR

Why wouldn’t we??

Seems like the right thing to do after the Wednesday challenge!

There will be both weighted and body weight options for you to choose from in this deck of cards strength session.

Here are your movement choices:

♥ Squat press, press or just squat

♦ Body weight or kettlebell/dumbbell row options

♠ Ab choice

♣ Cardio for time

Cardio for time will look like this…

  • Ace: 45 seconds
  • 10’s or face cards: 40
  • 8 and 9: 35
  • 6 and 7: 30
  • 4 and 5: 25
  • 2 and 3: 20

Let’s GO!!