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12 Minute Ladder Couplets

12 Minute Ladder Couplets Friday is a strength focus! These 12 minute ladder couplets will be done with either kettlebells, dumbbells or body weight. Each couplet will be set up as a mini AMRAP, so you will alternate between the 2 movements in each couplet. Take your...

25 Minute AMRAP Challenge

25 Minute AMRAP Challenge Thursday is a conditioning focus and we will take this familiar Training Room classic (with an added cardio bonus) and make it a 25 minute AMRAP! Let’s see how many rounds you can get in 25 minutes of the following… 5 burpees,...

Strength Endurance Combo

Strength Endurance Combo Wednesday is a strength focus and here’s your strength endurance combo! Complete 1 minute of work at each station non-stop! We will rest for 1 minute between each round and complete 5 rounds of the following circuit. Bike Alternate arm...

Cardio Intervals

Cardio Intervals Tuesday is a conditioning focus, so we ‘ve got some longer cardio intervals lined up for the day! You can choose between 1 or 2 different itmes… If you choose 2 itmes, you will alternate between them. Some choices: Row Bike Ski Run Sled...

Quick Bursts of Strength

Quick Bursts of Strength The Training Room week will kick off with a strength focus, so we will be going with quick bursts of full body strength. These push and pull couplets will be compressed into ten sets of 5 diffferent couplets that will encompass the entire...

Saturday Strength and Conditioning

Saturday Strength and Conditioning It’s a strength focus on Saturday but we will be combining strength and conditioning. Here’s what it will look like… 60/30 x 4 rounds of the following combo circuiit. Bike Alternate arm ring row, 1 arm kettlebell...

3 Minute Conditioning Bouts

3 Minute Conditioning Bouts Kick it OLD SCHOOL at The Training Room on Friday with 3 minute conditioning bouts. The object is to push yourself through the 3 minutes, but not to complete fatigue… Recovery is half that time (1:30). Therefore, you SHOULD leave some...

Kettlebell or Body Weight Strength

Kettlebell or Body Weight Strength Thursday’s strength focus will include kettlebell or body weight strength. You can stick to one or mix and match in this very efficient strength circuit using minimal equipment. We will work for 20 seconds and then hold the...

High Octane Wednesday

High Octane Wednesday It’s a conditioning focus on Wednesday, so we’ll be getting after it with some high octane conditioning. This type of training is known to help improve stamina by using bouts of high intensity movements with a short recovery period...

Strength Supersets

Strength Supersets Tuesday is a strength focus, so let’s get our strength on with some classic Training Room supersets! 35 seconds of work/30 seconds of rest for 5 rounds each of the following supersets. Superset 1 Chest press Deadlift choice Superset 2 Squat...