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Freestyle Conditioning for Thursday

Freestyle Conditioning for Thursday Thursday is a conditioning focus at The Training Room and we think you will find that this freestyle conditioning circuit fun and fulfilling! This one will be ten minutes of non-stop movement with a 1 minute rest between each ten...

Strength on the Deck for Wednesday!

STRENGTH on the DECK! Since Wednesday at The Training Room is a strength focus, we will be pulling out the famous deck for strength! We will be going through the entire deck of cards (but be prepared for a little bit more) for this kettlebell strength session....

Interval Conditioning Focus Tuesday

Interval Conditioning Focus Tuesday Tuesday is a conditioning focus at The Training Room and you will have a variety of things to choose from for your 1 minute interval conditioning day! Select a total of 3 itmes from any of the following… We will be completing...

Monday Strength Focus

Monday Strength We hope you had a great weekend! It’s time to get back to work at The Training Room starting out with thirty minutes of strength training. Monday is a strength focus, so we will give you a nice mix of kettlebell and body weight movements for...

Old School on Friday

Old School Circuit for Friday It’s a conditioning focus for Friday! Let’s do an old school circuit. Here’s what we’ve got lined up… Intervals 30/25 30/20 30/15 30/10 30/5 The Circuit Inertia wave inside BIke Jump pulls Skater or lateral...

Push Pull Strength

Push Pull Strength Strength focus on Thursday, so push pull strength couplets will be our jam! Our intervals are 35/25 x 6 rounds of each couplet Couplet 1 Clean, high pull, or deadlift choice  press choice; Couplet 2 Squat choice Row choice We will finish with a...

Cardio Intervals for Wednesday

Cardio Intervals for Wednesday Wednesday is a conditioning focus at The Training Room, so let’s celebrate with some cardio intervals. These will be done stationary which means that ALL intervals will be completed on one item before moving on to the next on,...

Dynamic and Static Strength

Dynamic and Static Strength Tuesday is a strength focus so we’ll do 30/30/30×4 rounds of a dynamic and static strength circuit. This means you will move through full range of motion for thirty seconds and then hold the static position for thirty seconds....

3 Minute Rounds

3 Minute Rounds Going OLD SCHOOL at The Training Room on Monday with 3 minute rounds of conditioning! Push yourself through the 3 minutes, but not to complete fatigue… Recovery is half that time (1:30). Therefore, you SHOULD leave some fuel in your tank in order...

Saturday Sweatfest

The Saturday Sweatfest Welcome to the Saturday sweatfest! It’s conditioning day, and here’s the cardio circuit you’re looking for on Saturday! We’re rapping up this great week of training with a fun cardio circuit… Your intervals for each...