Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Push Pull Strength Supersets

Push Pull Strength Supersets The week will begin with one of our favorite strength protocals which is push pull strength supersets. Supersetting movements gives us the opportunity to get a lot of quality work done in an efficient time frame. Here’s what...

1 Minute Intervals

1 Minute Intervals Friday is a conditioning focus, so we will be doing 1 minute intervals. These will be done for fifteen total work sets between your choice of 3 different itmes. Pick any of the 3 items to work with. 1 minute work/1 minute rest or active rest for 15...

Full Body Strength

Full Body Strength Circuit Thursday is a strength focus and we have a full body strength circuit lined up. Just a reminder that tomorrow’s classes will be at 7 am, 9 am and 5:30 pm. Here’s what we’ve got for you on Thursday. 30 seconds of work with a...

Stationary Strength and Some Cardio

Stationary Strength and Some Cardio Tuesday is a strength focus and we will be mixing things up a bit with a stationary strength circuit plus some cardio. We will alternate rounds of strength and rounds of cardio completing a total of 3 rounds each (6 rounds...

High Intensity Supersets

High Intensity Supersets The Training Room week will begin with a conditioning focus which will include high intensity supersets! FYI… Our holiday schedule will look like this: Monday: Regular schedule Tuesday (Chistmas Eve): Morning classes only (6,7 and 9 AM)...

Double Conditioning

Double Conditioning Thursday is a conditioning focus, so here’s a some double conditioning to light your stoke your fire! Mike will NOT be doing a 5 am class, but you know what to do if you still want to train. Brian will be covering Mike’s 6 and 7 and...

Strength Hybrid Triplets

Strength Hybrid Triplets Wednesday is a strength focus, and we will be mixing things up with these strength hybrid triplets. Each triplet will have 2 strength components and 1 conditioning component. Intervals will be set at 30 seconds of work with a 20 second rest....

FIT 25 Challenge Prep

FIT 25 Challenge Prep Since we have our FIT 25 Challenge on the events schedule for Feburary 15, it’s time to start training for it. Like we always say… It’s nice to have something to train for. Having something to train for gives us a goal and helps...

Old School Kettlebell and Body Weight Strength G

Old School Kettlebell and Body Weight Strength What better way to start your week then some old school kettlebell and body weight strength at The Training Room. It’s a shame that everyone doesn’t start their week this way, so consider yourself very...

Friday Challenge

Friday Challenge Closing out the work week with a FUN Friday Challenge! This familiar combo of movements will be wrapped up in a challenging but fun package! Speaking of FUN… Training Room characters congregate! Friday night is our annual holiday Training Room...