Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Fun Friday Combo

Fun Friday Combo The fun Friday combo will be a mix of some strength, power, and conditioning movements. We will be using both indoor/outdoor space and spreading things out for this one. 40/20 x 4 rounds of the following circuit: Step-up or sled push/pull Plank or...

Minimal Equiment Conditioning

Minimal Equipment Conditioning Thursday’s cardio focus will be a good one. These stationary and minimal equipment conditioning sets never disappoint! This conditioning session is perfect for home or gym! Complete 10 total sets of each couplet (superset)....

Full Body Strength

Full Body Strength Wednesday is a strength focus and as usual, we will be hitting up ALL the important parts with this full body strength circuit. A full body Training Room strength circuit covers all the parts through compound functional (translate to life...

Cardio Deck of Cards

Cardio Deck of Cards Tuesday is a conditioning focus, so lets have some fun with the cardio deck of cards. This one will include a combination of both kettlebell and body weight variatons with some timed cardio intervals. Exercises will be…  ♥ Swings,clean, high...

A Strong Start to the Week!

A Strong Start to the Week! Make it a STRONG start to the week by showing up on Monday for strength day. Set your goals for the week! How many days do you plan on showing up? What do you want to get better at this week? Strength supersets await! 30/30 x 10 sets of...

Your Friday Challenge

Your Friday Challenge Training Room challenge day is here, and you won’t be disappointed with the Friday Challenge! Choose 4-5 rounds of the following challenge circuit. If you’ve been training with us for a while, you’ll be able to handle 5 rounds....

Alternate Limb Strength

Alternate Limb Strength Thursday is a strength focus at The Training Room and we’ll be going with alternate limb strength to help identify and work on our weaknesses (because we ALL have them) It’s a great day to go outside your comfort zone and work on...

Wednesday Interval Conditioning

Wednesday Interval Conditioning Wednesday is a conditioning focus! Here’s your interval conditioning! Work/rest intervals look like this… 60/30 50/25 40/20 30/15, 20/10 Here’s the circuit… Burpee, squat thrust, slam or sledge Skaters or lateral...

Tens for Thirty

Tens for Thirty Tuesday brings us a strength focus, so we’ll be doing super efficient tens for thirty! Thirty minutes of the following circuit (done as an AMRAP) performing 10 reps or calories of each movement… Slant board squats 10 Ring row 10, Kettlebell...

Partner or SOLO Intervals

Partner or SOLO Intervals It’s another exciting week of training (and getting better) starting things off on this conditioning focused Monday with some partner or solo intervals. This is a GOOD one! Your work interval will be 5 minutes and can be shared with a...