I couldn’t have asked for better conditions for today’s NJ marathon. At the start it was about 50 degrees and cloudy and stayed cloudy and cool for the remainder of the race. All my training up to this point had gone according to plan so I was hoping the race was going to be the same. My goal time was 3:15 and I was able to better that by 21seconds with a 3:14;:39. I felt great throughout most of the race and was able to negative split the second half of the race.
I want to thank everyone who came out to cheer me on, especially Marc the “running man” for pacing me through the last 6miles. If it weren’t for him I don’t think I would have broke 3:15.
Next stop the H.I.T.S 1/2 ironman at Hunter Mt. June 10th.
Stay tuned…..
Great Job Milkman