Its been way to long since my last blog. I am finally getting back to normal after seven months of Ironman training. It feels good to have accomplished my goal but I am very happy to get back to my normal life. Over the past three weeks I have gradually started getting back to my Training Room workouts, and I have been sore as hell! I was unable to do yesterdays fitness test so I decided to do it on my own today, so I could get a good baseline of my fitness. Here are my results: 2min squats 101; 2min pushups 69; 2min situps 63: pullups max 21: I took 3min rest between exercises. my numbers were pretty low for my standard so my goal in 4 weeks is to hit 80 pushups, 115 squats, 75 situps, and 25 pull-ups. I did not do the snatch test because I needed to do some sprint tri training right after the fitness test. I did 8min on 2 min off 3 exercises. Started with the run 1.3 miles; Ski erg 1839m: and finished with 5000m on the watt bike.
Don’t forget about the marathon row next Saturday. All participants should arrive no later than 12:30. The row starts at 1:00.
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