Today combines a little bit of both strength and conditioning.

You’ll want to go as heavy as possible on this one.

We’ll warm up with a two round kettlebell warm up:

  • 10 swings/second round 4/4 single handed swings
  • 10 push ups/ second round 8 push ups
  • 10 high pulls/ 4/4 cleans
  • 5 presses/ 4/4 presses
  • 5 squats/ 4/4 racked squats
  • 5 thrusters
  • 5/5 one arm rows/ 4/4 one arm rows
  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 15 bicycles

We’ll be doing 2 different 10 minute couplets…

Couplet 1: 15 seconds work/15 seconds rest  x 10 min alternating between the two movements.

The object is to keep the same rep scheme through out the entire 10 minute set.

Do not go to muscle failure!

  • Ring rows or pull ups
  • push-ups, ring push ups, hindu push ups
Take a 2 minute rest between couplets.

Couplet 2: 15 seconds work/15 seconds rest  x 10 min alternating between the two movements.

The object is to keep the same rep scheme through out the entire 10 minute set.

Don’t go to muscle failure!

  • Kettlebell snatch (R)
  • Kettlebell snatch (L)

Abdominal finisher

15 work /15 rest x 4 rounds alternating Battling ropes

  • Double chops
  • Fast hands
  • Circles
  • jumping jacks
Have a great Thursday!