Level 1

  • 100 squat thrusts (no push up or jump)
  • 100 Jumping pull ups

You can break this up into sets in any order

Level 2

  • 100 burpees
  • 100 jumping pull ups

Break it up into sets in any order

Level 3

  • 100 burpees
  • 100 jumping pull ups

Complete one before moving on to the next

Level 4

  • 100 burpee/pull ups

Do a burpee, then finish with a pull up, do 100

Level 5

  • 100 hundred burpees
  • 100 Pull ups

Finish 100 burpees, then complete 100 regular pull ups

Go here to sign up for Blastoff

Have a blast

Have a great weekend!

Here's the Milkman back in the old days
