Here’s a nice strength and conditioning combination.

This is probably one of my favorite formats.

Go  as heavy as you can and complete each couplet for 12 minutes.

Do 15 seconds of work/15 seconds of rest of the following kettlebell and body weight movements.

We’ll take 1-2 minutes of rest between couplets.

We will give you a few choices on training tools here.

Couplet 1

  • kettlebell, d-ball,dumbell, or sand bag thrusters
  • ring rows or pull ups

Couplet 2

  • Double kettlebell swings or kettlebell snatches
  • Push ups

Keep checking the website today for updates on possible cancellations due to the crappy weather.

We WILL have a 9am class this morning!

There WILL be a 4pm class today!

There WILL NOT be a 6pm class tonight due to the nasty snow!