Here’s something we haven’t done in a while.
This is a great strength and conditioning combo that keeps you moving through out the session.
Timed sets are great for keeping you on task, especially if you are working solo at home or in the gym.
It is also important to keep track of the amount of reps you do per timed set so that you can measure your progression the next time you do this particular session.
Please feel free to share with us the experiences of your training sessions by leaving comments below.
We would love to here what you have to say so we can get your feedback and progress ourselves!!
Start out with 5 min of joint mobility and then a two round kettlebell warm up.
Today we will do a single kettlebell strength circuit:
6 rounds of 20 seconds work/20 seconds rest at each station. Finish all six sets on each side before moving on to the next movement.
Take a 2 minute rest between each station.
- kettlebell clean and press r/l
- Kettlebell split squat r/l
- One arm row r/l
Finish with 5 rounds of abs:
- Toe touches
- v sits or knees to chest
Make sure to check the website for updates.
Looks like snow could put a damper on tomorrow!
Stay tuned!
Yesterday’s 6 am class featuring John Reilly!!!
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