Wednesday is Challenge Day

You have a 25 Minute Challenge to get you over that mid-week hurdle!

Important Reminder:  If you borrowed equipment with us at anytime and did not check it out with anyone, please let us know.  We are missing a few items!  If you have checked out equipment and are not using them at home, please return them to us so that we can use them with our group classes and clients!  Thank you!

Here’s your 25 Minute Challenge:

  • 50 air squats or step ups (lunge walks with a twist…)
  • 40 mountain climbers (shoulder taps, banded marches…)
  • 30 swings (hinges or marching hip bridge…)
  • 20 calories or 200 jump rope (rower, bike, ski, small steps, run…)
  • 10 burpees (push ups, knee tucks…)

There are ALWAYS options for exercise substitutions!  If you feel the reps are a little high, you can always adjust your form or technique to make them feel good!  You can also decrease the reps to make it more manageable!  

Let us know how you do!

TR at HOME: High Octane Conditioning

You can do everything with just Bodyweight or if you have a Kettlebell or Dumbell you can add a little weight.  Best to choose a lighter weight on conditioning days to get the heart rate up without totally crushing yourself!

Here’s what we’ve got for you Wednesday!

45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest x 3 rounds of FUN!

  • Cardio choice
  • swings
  • cardio choice
  • squat thrusts or squat press
  • cardio choice
  • skaters or other lateral movements
  • Cardio choice
  • High or Jump pulls
  • cardio choice
  • Bicycles, crab toes, sliding/ mountain climbers or sit through

Have a an awesome day.

Video below!