Happy March!

It”s going to be a great week!

Start with a joint mobility and body weight warm up.

Today we”re throwing in a few challenging body weight movements along with a few other options for the front squat .  Remember, you control the intensity, so make sure you put the effort in if you want the results.

If you need to,  check the video library for detailed progressions on the down dog and hand stand press.

Then complete  30 seconds work/30 seconds rest of the following for 6 rounds

  • Down dog or hand stand press
  • Pull up, ring row or assisted ring pull up
  • Swing set or TRX  leg curl
  • Sand bag, heavy bag or heavy d-ball front squat
  • Free style abdominals (pick what ever you want)

For front squats, you can hug hold Php Aide a heavy bag or sand bag, or rack it in front.  Check the video section under “sand bags” for different options.

If you don”t have a sand bag or D ball, use dumbells or kettlebells.

Make sure to also check the video of how to make your own sand bag.

Have a great day, and make sure to drop any comments or questions below.

Old School!

Can”t believe we used to operate out of this space.  Thank you all for being great members.  We will continue to work our butts off in order to give you the best we can!