5 Rounds of Strength with a Finisher

Happy Wednesday and Training Room strength focus day! We’ve got 5 rounds of strength lined up that will supercharge every aspect of your SELF!

Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself with some heavier weight.

If what you’ve been using is starting to feel easy, it’s time for a few more KG’s!

This one should NOT make you feel completely depleated after, but energized.

Strength Circuit (5 rounds)

30 seconds right/30 seconds left x 5 rounds non-stop

We will take a minute rest between each round.

  1. Single leg deadlift R/L, clean R/L or swing R/L
  2. Single arm overhead press R/L or see saw press
  3. Split squat R/L, goblet, slant board or doulble kettlebell squat
  4. One arm row R/L or renegade row
  5. Ab choice

Finisher: Flow through each movement for 30 seconds and do 2 rounds

  • Skaters
  • Mountain climbers
  • High pulls
  • Squat press
  • Jumping jacks

Have an amazing Wednesday and rest of the week in and out of the gym!