Happy Friday!!

Today we’ll go outside our comfort zone a little.

This is the perfect workout if you only have one kettlebell.

You will do a nice long warm up starting with 5 minutes of joint mobility.

3 rounds of kettlebell warm up:

Start your kettlebell warm up with a light kettlebell on your first round, then move up to a little heavier bell on the second round and then to your work weight on the third round.

We will be doing 6 minute non-stop sets using 30 second intervals on each side(total of 1 minute of each movement) of:

  • Kettlebel swings r/l
  • Kettlebell cleans r/l
  • kettlebell press, push press or jerk r/l
  • kettlebell one arm racked squat r/l
  • Kettlebell one arm row r/l
  • walkouts 1 minute

Rest 1 minute between each 6 minute set

You will do 4 total sets (rounds)

You also have the option of moving up in weight with each set/round


Look for us at the Polar Plunge tomorrow at Manasquan beach!!

Go here for details.

Watch around :30 for me pulling the Milkman on a tube with a paddle!!