60/30 Strength Circuit

Kettlebell, Dumbell or Bodyweight!

Tuesday’s Strength Workout gives you options of using a Kettlebell, Dumbell or Bodyweight for every exercise!

Kettlebells, Dumbell or Bodyweight Strength Circuit

60 sec work /30 sec rest x 4 rounds

Also, the exercises in the circuit will split halfway at 30 seconds so you can switch sides.  

  1. Single dead lifts our Hip bridge
  2. Overhead press or Hindu push ups
  3. Split squat
  4. 1 arm row or ring row

Always take care of yourself first and foremost!

Lastly, here’s your FINISHER!

40 work /20 rest x 6 rounds

  • Cardio choice
  • Ab choice

Here’s a Bodyweight Strength Circuit!   Check it out!

Here is the Link for Tuesday’s Strength Circuit.