7 Minute Supersets for Strength on Wednesday!
Wednesday is a strength day at The Training Room, we’ve got 7 minute supersets line up for you.
7 minutess of 10 reps per exercise in superset fashion (alternating between exercises)
Each superset will be done for 7 minutes.
As usual, we will sprinkle a little cardio and ab work into this as well.
Get as many rounds as you can in each 7 minute set.
We will rest for 2 minutes between each superset.
Superset 1
- Goblet squats 10
- Upper body pull choice 10
Superset 2
- Deadlift choice or heavy swings or superman’s 10 reps
- Upper body press choice
Superset 3
- Twist choice 10/10
- Ab choice 10
Superset 4
- Cardio choice 10 calories or 10 reps of body weight choice
- Cardio choice 10 calories or 10 reps of body weight choice
Have an amazing Wednesday!
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