What better way to end your week then a nice court yard cleanse!

It was about 55 degrees and clear as a bell at 6am this morning.

Optimal training conditions!

We’ll be bringing the thunder this morning, and bringing out a bunch of options for you.

If you don’t have all the toys like we do, you can check out our home workout page here for a modified version. This doesn’t mean it’s easier either.

Court Yard Conditioning circuit!

40 seconds work/20 seconds rest for 5 rounds.

Take one minute rest between rounds.

  • Med Ball or Kettlebell clean/squat
  • Battling rope jumping jacks
  • 20 yard suicides (space cones 5 yards apart)
  • med ball slam or sledge hammer hits
  • Half burpees

Here are a few sledge options for you.  If you aren’t getting enough out of the sledge, do the med ball slam.

Are you coming to the Jonny Hinds “Lean and Green” Nutrition seminar?

If so, sign up here!