Reps and Calories
YES people Tuesday is a conditioning day. Lets do some quality reps and burn off a few calories.
SHOW UP and work your hardest and have some fun!
Pick 1 of 4 options listed below.
Go through this 1 time as fast as you can with great form.
- 100 Burpees or or calories on the ski erg
- 100 step ups or swings
- 100 yards crawl or mountain climbers or bicycles
- 100 calories row
Here are your 4 options…
Choose them wisely and leave your ego at the door!
Level 1
Do everything straight through (very advanced)
Level 2
Do 2 rounds of 50 reps (advanced but doable for some of us)
Level 3
Do 4 rounds of 25 reps (most of us can do this one)
Level 4
3 rounds of 20 reps (beginners)
REMEMBER…If burpees aren’t your thing, you can substitute squat thrusts or any slam.
AND light deads or can replace swings if needed.
Have a great Tuesday!
Wow this was a kick in the gut. Surprisingly the burpees and swings weren’t as bad as I thought, just daunting to get a 100. After about 20 yards into the bear carwl I was ready to throw in the towel. And I thought the row at the end would be the easiest, for lack of better terms. But boy was I wrong. Longest six minutes of pain I have felt in a very long time. Loved it and am loving the new programming!!