Challenge Friday
Training Room challenge Friday is here, and you won’t be disappointed with this one.
Choose 4-5 rounds of the following challenge circuit.
If you’ve been training with us for a while, you’ll be able to handle 5 rounds. If you are fairly new to The Training Room and consider yourslelf a beginner, then stick to 4 rounds.
- 500 meters of your choice (row, bike 1000, ski, run or versa climb)
- 40 step ups or walking lunges
- 30 mountain climbers
- 20 kettlebell swings
- 10 Burpees, push ups or push presses
Try to get through this as quickly as you can , but make sure to use good form on ALL of the movements.
Let us know if you need to substitute any of the movements due to injury, otherwise, work hard and enjoy this challenge and your Friday!
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