Saturday is Conditioning Day and Yoga!

Let’s move with Conditioning Couplets!

We are finishing up week 8 of our at home training!  We miss you and can’t wait to be back in the gym.  Stay focused and stay strong!

20 work /10 rest x 5 rounds 

Couplet 1:

  • Pushpress
  • lateral step or hops

Couplet 2:

  • High or jump pull
  • Squat thrust or slam ball

Couplet 3:

  • Shuttle or run in place
  • knees to chest

Couplet 4:

  • Drop squat
  • Mt. Climbers Or crawl

Couplet 5:

  • Jump rope or Jumping jacks
  • swings or broad jumps

Total Time = 29 minutes 

Follow up this quick efficient conditioning workout with some stretchy yoga and you’ll be golden for the day!

Here’s the link for the workout at 8am:

Here’s the link for Yoga… Have some fun! Stretch out and take some deep breaths!