It’s a twenty ten conditioning mash up for Friday at The Training Room!
This twenty ten conditioning mash up is exactly what you want to do!
Each station will be executed for 4 minutes, and there will be 6 total stations…
FYI, this one will help us prep for the upcoming ergathlon on February 18th.
We will perform the stationary circuit between each erg circuit.
There will be a 2 minute rest between each station.
Station 1
The first station will be an 8 exercise stationary conditioning circuit…
20/10 x 1 round
- Swing or Jumps
- 1/2 burps or knee tucks
- Twist choice
- Jumping jacks
- Drop squats
- sit throughs or Mountain climbers
- High pulls
- Sprint in place
Station 2
- Row 20/10 x 8
Station 3
- DO the stationary circuit again
Station 4
- Bike 20/10 x 8
Station 5
- DO the stationary circuit.
Station 6
- Ski 20/10 x 8
Lets GO!!
Have an amazing weekend!
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