Conditioning Triples

Saturday will be an exciting morning of conditioning triples.

Triples or triplets meaning 3 sets of 3 exercises done for 10 minute clips…

Here’s what we’re doing…

3 ten minute triplets…

Triplet 1: Do as many rounds as possible for 10 minutes

  • 10 swings
  • 10 push press, or squat thrusts
  • 100 revolutions on the jump rope  or 50 jumping jacks

Triplet 2: Do as many rounds as possible for 10 minutes

  • 10 Air squats of Drop squats
  • Ten 1/2 burpees or knee tucks/sliders
  • 10 calories bike or ski

Triplet 3: Do as many rounds as possible for 10 minutes

  • 10 jump or high pull
  • 10 slam
  • 10 shuttle run or 50 quick steps

Enjoy your weekend!

Don’t forget about Beers and Bells on July 22 at 6 PM.

There will be a partner burpee option and courtyard happy hour antics to follow!