Decending Conditioning intervals

Let’s rock some conditioning intervals on Wednesday!

Some people consider Wednesday “hump day”


At The Training Room, we just think of it as another day to make some small improvements in ourselves.

Don’t EVER stop showing up (home or gym).

Let’s show up and get better.

Here’s a nice warm-up you can do at home, of use as a mini session between working at home (watch the video)

Pick 3 different conditioning options including kettlebell sport activities if that’s your jam!

Complete the following intervals on one option, rest for 1-2 minutes before moving on to the next option.

Conditioning options can include ANY of (but not limited to) the following…

  • Row
  • Bike
  • Ski eg
  • Run
  • PEGS
  • Jump rope
  • Any step up option
  • Rope flow (instructional video here)
  • Kettlebell sport stuff (jerk, long cycle, snatch)
  • Burpees
  • Squat thrusts
  • Skaters
  • Mace work (video)

Here are your conditioning intervals…

  1. 60w / 60r x 2 rounds
  2. 45w / 45r x 2
  3. 30w /30r x 2
  4. 15w / 15r x 2

The entire set is 10 minutes.

Do 2 more sets with 2 other options.

Rest 2 minutes

Here’s another great home routine (follow along video) you can stream on your smart TV or watch on your laptop of phone.

Here are the Intervals:

  • Rd. 1) 30 work / 25 rest
  • Rd. 2) 30 work / 20 rest
  • Rd. 3) 25 work /15
  • Rd. 4) 20/10 x 2 

You will have 1 Minute Rest between each round.

Here is your Circuit:

  1. High Pull, Jump Pull or Fast Assisted Pull Up
  2. Mt. Climbers Or Crawl
  3. Quick Steps
  4. Squats  (drop, air, surfer, split. lunges)
  5. Crab Toe Touch or Bicycles
  6. Run in Place
  7. Skaters or Side Step
  8. Push-press or 1/2 Burpees
  9. Jump Rope, Rope Flow, or Jumping Jacks