Double Conditioning Tuesday
Yes folks, Double Conditioning Tuesday is here.
There’s ONLY 1 class on July 4 at 8 AM.
It’s that time of the week, so let’s pick up some momentum and get it done.
We’ve got a beautiful double conditioning circuit lined up for you at The Training Room.
Here’s what it looks like.
40/20 Double Crcuit:
Complete 1 circuit, rest , then move to the next.
6 rounds total (30 minutes)
Circuit 1 (outside)
- Jump or high pulls
- Battle ropes, or inertia wave
- Bulgarian bag or medicine ball twist
- Wall ball or squat press
- Plank, or crawl
Circuit 2.(inside)
- Row
- Bike
- Ski
- Skaters or lateral steps
- Jump rope, jacks or freestyle moves
Enjoy the rest your week in and out of the gym!
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