Hope you had an incredible weekend! It’s the start of another great week of training! Even though for many of you, it’s a short week due to Thanksgiving, you can still log onto this website and pull up a workout.

No excuses!!

Use the search function on the right side of this site to find a workout that you can bust out.

We WILL be having class on Thanksgiving morning!!

Patty Bells will have her normal 6 am class, and myself and The Milkman will hold an 8am class!

Today’s workout: 5 minutes of joint mobility

2 rounds of kettlebell warm up 10,8,6,4,2 reps of the following movements.

Partner up or circuit through solo.

Work up to your 2 rep max

  • Kettlebell, barbell or dumbell front squats or deads
  • Kettlebell, barbell or dumbell floor press/bench press
  • Pull ups, or heavy 1 arm rows
  • Low back extension (only if you chose the front squat option) You can also do heavy kettlebell or double kettlebell swings here.
  • Ab choice (power wheel, swing set, trx,usa,hanging knee raises etc..)

Please post below and let us know what options you chose.