This is always a good one.

You can never go wrong with heavy complexes.

Today we’ll give you the choice of several modalities.

First we will do our 5 minutes of joint mobility and a 2 round kettlebell warm up.

Or, warm up with the modality of your choice.

Kettlebell warm up:

  • 10 swings
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 high pulls
  • 5 presses
  • 5 goblet squats
  • 5 thrusters
  • 5/5 one arm rows
  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 15 bicycles

Today we’ll tackle the bear complex and couplet it up with pull ups ladder style.

  • Bear complex 1-5 5-1 reps
  • Pull ups/assisted, ring assited or weighted 1-5 5-1 or 2-10 10-2 (up by 2’s)

If doing weighted, go with the 1-5 5-1 on the pull ups.

Stay tuned for video!!

Dawn Patrol Beatdown!


Here’s the 9am class featuring Big Pat and Little John!