Take your pick of modality!

If you’ve been doing a lot of double kettlebell movements lately, switch it up and use a heavy sandbag or even the bar.

We haven’t been really been teaching the movements with dumbells, but if you are interested, we will teach you them.

First we will do our 5 minutes of joint mobility and a 2 round kettlebell warm up.

Or, warm up with the modality of your choice.

Kettlebell warm up:

  • 10 swings
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 high pulls
  • 5 presses
  • 5 goblet squats
  • 5 thrusters
  • 5/5 one arm rows
  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 15 bicycles

Today we’ll tackle the bear complex and couplet it up with pull ups ladder style.

  • Bear complex 1-5 5-1 reps
  • Pull ups/assisted, ring assited or weighted 1-5 5-1 or 2-10 10-2 (up by 2’s)

If doing weighted, go with the 1-5 5-1 on the pull ups.

You can also mix up your grips if you want.

What was your choice of strength modality?

What weight did you use?

The 6am and 9am classes Bearing!!