Double Kettlebell and Body Weight Strength Day!

We’ll give you a few fun and challenging options today.

Everyone should add a little climbing and crawling into their workout, so we put in a few beginner and advanced options for you.

Start out with some joint mobility and do a two round kettlebell warm up to get the juices flowing.

You will use two kettlebells that will challenge you, but make sure you can handle them with good form.

If you don’t own two bells, you will use one.

5 sets of 5 reps of the following:

  • Swings: Level 1: 1 handed kettlebell swing (5l/5r x5)Level 2: Double kettlebell swing (5×10)or Level 3: double kettlebell snatch (5×5)
  • Walking lunges: Level 1: kettlebells to sides (10 steps) Level 2: kettlebells racked (10 steps) Level 3: Kettlebells over head (10 steps)
  • Climbing: Level 1: Modified USA climb ( 5×5 each trip up or down is a rep) Level 2: Modified rope climb (5×5 each trip is a rep) Level 3: peg board or regular rope climb(each trip is one rep) 5×5
  • Level 1: 10 yard Lateral crawls, or Level 2: Power wheel walks (5×5) Level 3: hand stand walks (wall assisted)

You can circuit through this.

Let us know if you have any questions about this workout.

We will try to get some video up today on this.

Have a great Tuesday!

Here’s me messing around with some peg board stuff.

I expect some of our stronger people to try this out!!

John Reilly??