Hey guys!

We’ve got a simple strength session for you.

You can partner up or circuit through this one solo.

As usual, you will have the choice of double or single kettlebell movements.

If you’ve been training with us for a while and feel confident with the movements, you may want to go with the double kettlebell option.

Warm up with a two round kettlebell warm up.

Do 5 rounds with a partner or solo…

  • 5/5 single kettlebell swings or 5 double kettlebell swings,
  • 5/5 single kettlebell floor/bench press or 5 double kb floor/bench press
  • 5/5 single kettlebell cleans or 5 double kettlebell cleans
  • 5/5 single kettlebell press or 5 doubles
  • 5/5 single kettlebell front squats or 5 doubles
  • 5/5 single kettlebell rows or 5 double bent rows
  • 5 roll outs or walkouts

Lets go!

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