Follow the Leader Solo Edition
Saturday we have a Conditioning Kicker for YOU!
Our SOLO Follow the Leader Workout.
If you’ve been with us awhile you should all be familiar with our classic Training Room “Follow the Leader” workout. If you are new, no worries, you will get to experience the Solo Follow the Leader Workout on Saturday! There are 6 Bodyweight or Kettlebell exercises to perform each 30 seconds… continuous movement for 3 minutes. The only difference is that you stay in one spot the entire time, which actually cuts down on transition times!
We always begin class with variations of our joint mobility and bodyweight or kettlebell warm up so that we are READY to move for each workout!
Here is and example of a warm up you can do at home:
20 seconds work/15 seconds rest x 2 rounds
- Deadlifts or Swings
- Bicycles or Mountain Climbers
- Supermans or Broad Jump
- Push-ups or 1/2 Burpees
- Squat or Drop Squats
- Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks or Run in Place
Solo Follow the Leader:
6 Exercises in a Row at 30 Second Intervals (30/30/30/30/30/30)
- High pulls
- Mountain Climbers or Crawling
- Swings or Broad Jump
- Half Burpees or Knee Tucks
- Drop Squats, Air Squats, Surfer Squats
- Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, Shuttle Run, or Cardio choice
Rest 1 Minute after each Rounds and Repeat for a total of 6 Rounds!
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