Today we’ll take a little break from the kettlebells and have some fun with body weight training.
Sometimes these body weight workouts can be even more challenging.
We’ll give you a few progressions to choose from, so make sure you step outside the comfort zone.
First, loosen up and wake up with some joint mobility.
Then, do a two round circuit warm up.
We’ll do 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest for thirty minutes of this fun body weight circuit:
- ring rows,pullups,rope climb, gorilla climb, or peg board
- pistols, assisted pistols,step ups, or pistol deck squats
- freestyle abs
- push ups, hindu push ups, handstand holds or presses
- Power wheel, swing set or TRX leg curls
We’ll be going to AC tonight to watch Ryan Fight in the Ring of Combat.
Here’s an article about his fight.
Here he is going through one round of conditioning in the court yard.
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