Some Interval Tempo Changes for Friday!

Changing tempo simply means we will be switching up the speed of our intervals.


Interval tempo changes are just another great way to change up your routine and keep the heart and lungs conditioned for LIFE in general.

They ALSO burn some calories and everyone love that!

This one is also afffectionately know as “BIG AL” intervals for those of you who know the Training Room legend!

BIG AL Intervals will look like this…

UP tempo intervals…

Thirty seconds easy, twenty seconds medium pace, ten seconds ALL OUT SPRINT!

We will do 5 sets of this on each item (5 minutes of each)

  • Row
  • bike
  • ski
  • run or step up
  • JJ, slow burpee, squat thrust or mountain climb

Other options…

Kettlebell sport options for you sporty folks!
  • Round 1. 1 kettlebell LC slow LC faster, jerk
  • Rd 2. 2 Kettlebells
  • Round 3 recover
  • Rd 4. 2 bells
  • Round 5. recover or do a cardio option

Have a fun and healthy weekend!


Don’t stop moving!