Secret Service Snatch Test ( SSST) Results!
Lately, some of our female athletes have been testing for the SSST. The SSST is a brutal ten minute test of physical and mental toughness as well as muscular endurance. The ladies use a 12kg(26lb) kettelbell and snatch it for 10 minutes. The object is to get as many reps as possible in the ten minute time period. Believe me, this is a rough test, I’ve done several times. Check out the official leader board for the SSST here. You will see the names of five of our women and myself in the mens. I they’re not up yet, they will be soon.
Joanne O Shea: 270
Debbie Beckman: 265
Casey Kirk: 264
Siobhan Ryan: 253
Mary Beth Stehle: 251
The aftermath(nice lady hands) It’s the price you pay for beauty!
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