We’re pulling out all the toys today.

Warm up with some joint mobility and then follow it up with a two round circuit warm up to get your heart rate up and ready for this workout.

Today we’ll rip though a classic Jersey Shore conditioning circuit that will combine a mixture of modalities such as kettlebells, ropes, dumbells, bands and body weight movements.

This will be a four round, eight station circuit with one minute of rest between each round.

The work/rest intervals for each round will look like this:

Round 1: 30/25

Round 2: 30/20

Round 3: 25/15

Round 4: 20/10

Go all out on each movement without sacrificing technique.

Here’s the circuit:

  • Kettlebell high pulls
  • Battling rope combinations
  • Jump rope or jumping jacks
  • Dumbell push press
  • Med ball clean
  • Alternate arm band row
  • Hoop hops, or bag hops
  • Sit outs or mountain climbers

I should have some video highlights up later today so make sure to check back.

Have a great Friday!