Warm up with 5 minutes of joint mobility and body weight movements to wake up and prepare yourself for this workout.
Go through basic kettlebell warm up for 5 minutes, doing all the basic movements and focusing on technique.
The workout consists of three different couplets using one or two kettlebells.
Do 6 rounds of 20 seconds work/20 seconds rest back and forth at each couplet. Finish all 6 rounds before moving on to the next couplet.
Couplet 1
- kettlebell clean and press right
- kettlebell clean and press left
Couplet 2
- Double kettlebell front squat
- Pull up or ring row
Couplet 3
- Swing set, TRX, or Power wheel leg curl
- Swing set, TRX, or Power wheel knees to chest
Take 2 minute rest between each couplet.
Get ready to Plunge!!
There’s gunna be about 2 feet of snow on the beach, but we’re going anyway!!
Here’s last years footage
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