Happy Saturday!

It’s another great day at the Jersey Shore.

We’ll be out in the courtyard for today’s workout.

We’ll start out with joint mobility and kettlebell warm up.

Today’s workout will be three different couplets using kettlebell and body weight movements.

We’ll do 20 seconds of work/20 seconds rest and alternate between the following movements for 7 rounds at each station:

Couplet 1

  • Double kettlebell front squat
  • Body Weight row

Couplet 2:

  • Kettlebell clean and press (right)
  • Kettlebell clean and press (left)

Couplet 3:

  • Power wheel roll outs or walkouts
  • Hanging knee raise or knees to chest

We’ll take a minute rest between each couplet.

Have a great weekend!

I’ll be heading over to see my pal Zach at the Underground today. I should get some good footage.
