Happy Happy Thursday!

Another great day is about to start.  For some of you, it started at 6am here at The Training Room!

Lets keep it simple.

Todays workout will require one kettlebell, and is a perfect one for home.

These single kettlebell workouts are our favorite.

We’ll do our 5 minute joint mobility to get some synovial fluid moving through our joints, and also to wake us up.

Do two rounds of kettlebell warm up including the basics:

Round 1:

  • 10 swings
  • 10 push up
  • 10 high pulls
  • 5 presses
  • 5 squats
  • 5 thrusters
  • 5/5 one arm rows
  • 15 bicycles
  • 15 jumping jacks

Round 2: More specific to the workout

  • 4/4 one handed swings
  • 8 push ups
  • 4/4 cleans
  • 4/4 push presses
  • 4/4 racked squats
  • 4/4 one arm rows
  • 15 bicycles
  • 15 Jumping jacks

Now your ready for the workout!

6 minute sets: 30 seconds of each movement non stop.

Perform 30 seconds of work of each movement on each side without stopping.

Rest 1 minute and repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds!

  • Single arm swings 30/30
  • cleans 30/30
  • push press 30/30
  • racked squats 30/30
  • one arm rows 30/30
  • walkouts 60 sec

To make this workout more challenging, stay on one side for the entire set, then do the other side on the next set.

Any questions??

Comments please!!