Don’t wait for the holidays to end before you get back to your training program, or even start one up!

Stop making lame excuses for why you haven’t been taking care of yourself!

Don’t stop moving your body.  You will regret it!

Be held accountable, and hold others accountable!

Get yourself, your family members, loved ones and friends on the right track!

Is there anything more important then your health??

If so, I would love to know what it is.

That’s enough rant for the day.

BTW, we have gift certificates for the holiday!

Today’s workout is one of our classic kettlebell strength and conditioning workouts.

It looked like some of our dawn patrolers picked it up a notch this morning.  Louis stepped outside the comfort zone and used the 28kg for the entire workout!! Nice job brother!

Patty Bells cranked out a nice Yoga finisher as usual.

Kettlebell Deck of Cards!

Warm up with 5 minutes of joint mobility and two rounds of kettlebell warm up.

  • Hearts: Kettlebell snatch or snatch pull (split the reps on the snatches)
  • Diamonds: Goblet squats
  • Clubs: Kettlebell push press (split the reps)
  • One arm row (split the reps)

The number you pull will be the amount of reps you do.  Split the reps on each side for the one handed movements.

Go through the entire deck!

Aces=12 reps

Jokers= 10 burpees

What weight bell did you use??

Lets hear it!

Keep track of your progress by commenting each day.