Go through the entire deck!

Each suit is a movement

Do the appropriate amount of reps for each.

  • Hearts=squat thrusts/burpees
  • Diamonds=kettlebell high pulls,jumping or kipping pull ups
  • Spades=Drop squats
  • Clubs= mountain climbers

Use active rest! Keep your body moving between bouts of exercise.

Aces=12 reps

Face cards=10 reps

Joker=10 burpees

Yoga-kettlebell Patty will now be teaching the 6m class on Thursdays.  She will be adding a little yoga twist at the end of each workout.

This will be great for those of you who need to loosen up and get some of that rigamortis out of your bodies.

Starting tomorrow we will be adding a 7am class. This will be every Wednesday and Friday at 7am!

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Website pics 108

Go through the entire deck!

Each suit is a movement

Do the appropriate amount of reps for each.

  • Hearts=squat thrusts/burpees
  • Diamonds=kettlebell high pulls,jumping or kipping pull ups
  • Spades=Drop squats
  • Clubs= mountain climbers

Use active rest! Keep your body moving between bouts of exercise.

Aces=12 reps

Face cards=10 reps

Joker=10 burpees

Yoga-kettlebell Patty will now be teaching the 6m class on Thursdays.  She will be adding a little yoga twist at the end of each workout.

This will be great for those of you who need to loosen up and get some of that rigamortis out of your bodies.

Starting tomorrow we will be adding a 7am class. This will be every Wednesday and Friday at 7am!

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