Metcon Monday DOC!

Are you ready for a Monday Metcon DOC? (deck of cards that is)

It was so much fun last time we’ll do it again!

As a matter of fact…

It’s that time!

We will be repeating the last 4 weeks of workouts.

We hope you had a fun filled and active weekend!

BTW, we have shade in AVON Courtyard thanks to Justin!

Let’s up our game this week in and out of the gym,

Let us know what you want to get better at.

A few health reminders!

  • Get 7 hours of sleep per night.
  • Drink half of your body weight in onces of water.
  • Walk daily.
  • Breathe through your nose.(benefits video)
  • Take time to stretch after class.
  • Don’t force movement that causes pain.
  • Work on your weaknesses.
  • Go outside your comfort zone.

Kicking things off with a Monday Metcon deck of cards!

Metabolic conditioning (also know as cardio with weights) that is…

Speaking of Metcon, here’s a little workout that we did for Men’s Journal a while back.

Here’s Monday’s conditioning session…

  • Hearts=Squat, drop squat, jump squat
  • Diamonds=Squat thrust or slam ball
  • Clubs=Kettlebell swings or body weight/banded hinges
  • Spades=Cardio Choice
Cardiio Choices…
  • bike
  • row
  • ski
  • jump rope
  • jumping jacks
  • sled push
  • run, skip, Pegs

Cardio Choice times:

  • Aces-45 seconds
  • 10’s-40 seconds
  • 8-9’s-35 seconds
  • 6-7’s-30 seconds
  • 4-5’s-25 seconds
  • 2-3’s-20 seconds

Here’s something else you can do at home..